Revealing My Booty Building Secrets

Pssst… I have a secret to share!

One of the questions that hits my inbox the most is “Loz, what exercises are best for building my booty?”.

Over the years, I have developed some incredible methods that are tried and tested for glute growth. All of which I have put into my Power Booty programs that are NOW available in my LSF app! Get 8 weeks of booty focused training at home or in the gym, education on the science of building your glutes, and a FULL recipe based meal plan to help fuel your goal.

I love utilising many different exercises when working on my glutes, as this keeps workouts interesting and effective. However, #LSFBabes will know that the foundation of my approach is simple - nail the basics of form and master your compound lifts. Yes, it may seem boring at times but nailing squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts really will help you gain the perky, round booty of your dreams!

Utilising the right methods to achieve progressive overload and fuelling your body correctly will result in building your booty. As you girls know, there is no quick fix when it comes to getting glute gains. However, good things come to those who wait and to those who WORK! Below, I reveal how to perform my FAVOURITE booty building exercises properly to take you from pancakes to peaches!

She's The Man Quote


Squat formSquat form

The squat is a compound lift, meaning that it not only works your glutes but also your hamstrings and quads. Although we all want to grow our booty, neglecting the other main muscles in your legs will likely result in injury, imbalances and a slower glute growth rate too. The perfect squat is going to look different on everyone depending on the length of their limbs, their mobility and many other factors.

This movement starts with the hinging of your hips, followed by the knees as you squat down as far as your mobility will allow. Ensure that you are opening up your hips, and keeping the knees out as you initiate the movement. The glutes will be under their most amount of tension in the bottom of your squat, meaning that when you are in this position they will be most engaged (there is no need to squeeze your glutes at the top of the lift).

Remember it’s not always about lifting as heavy as possible...It’s about having great form and activating the targeted muscles properly!


Conventional DeadliftConventional Deadlift

A deadlift works your entire posterior chain, meaning it engages your hamstrings, glutes and your back muscles. Keeping your core muscles engaged is important, especially using a heavier load, so that we have a strong base for the lift. The spine should not be flexed or extended, it should be neutral (meaning a flat back).

The goal is to move the bar in a straight line from the floor to the end position, so begin the movements with the bar closer toward your shins. The hips are quite low in the start position of your deadlift, however this position will once again change from person to person depending on your body. Think about your shoulders moving back and down, toward your back pockets to engage the back muscles and keep the bar close to your body. Keeping the knees out, push through the floor as you perform the deadlift.


Hip ThrustHip Thrust

The hip thrust is one of the most popular exercises for the glutes, and there is definitely a reason why! This movement is a great way to put your glutes under substantial load, while still executing it safely. For this exercise you will generally be using a loaded barbell across your hips, with your shoulders elevated on a step or bench. This increases the range of movement further than a glute bridge (where your shoulders are on the floor).

The key cues to keep in mind are –

• Aim to focus on bringing your ribs to hips in the pelvic tilt and the peak of the motion.

• Visualise that someone is pushing against your head so you keep your head and neck locked into position throughout the full range of motion.•
• Make sure that your toes are pointed slightly outwards.

• When positioning your feet, aim to finish the movement with your knees at 90 degrees. Throughout the entire movement you want the chin to be tucked as this is important for glute activation.

• At the end position of your hip thrust, you should be squeezing your glutes together and avoiding a hyperextended back.

Try not to rush the hip thrust, you want a slight pause at the end of each repetition to really squeeze and engage the glutes before controlling your hips back down.

Towards the end of my programs I like to add in 1 ¼ reps which allow us to really feel the glute squeeze at the top of the movement and help to advance our training without necessarily increasing the load.

Why Be Moody When You Can Shake Your Booty | Quote

What is Power Booty?
My vision when creating Power Booty was simple: to fill all the gaps in knowledge I had when I first started my booty building journey. You will learn how to activate your glutes with resistance bands utilise mind muscle connection cues, hit your muscles under heavier load, but also burn them out with some of my favourite high rep glute finishers. This variety in the program ensures we are hitting all 3 key muscles that make up our glutes, working them from different angles and ranges of motion.

My mission is to inspire and empower as many women as possible through education and to give you the tools to live your best life, and build your best booty! Knowledge is power, ladies - and this applies to training too! Whether you’re a beginner, or an intermediate-advanced trainer… Power Booty is for you. I have refreshed the programs to cater to different levels of training experience. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, which is why you can also switch between the home and gym programs at any time in the LSF app. Join Power Booty NOW!

Loz xx