How I REALLY Feel About Turning 30

Welcome to Libra season, ladies! I’ve spent the past week celebrating my birthday, albeit, it was a little different to how I originally imagined it to be - I thought I would be in an exotic location - like Barcelona or The Greek Islands sipping on a cocktail and watching the sunset. Despite the surprise change of plans that 2020 has brought us, I am so grateful for my life and being able to spend time with my nearest and dearest.

Turning thirty is a significant milestone - one that I know a lot of people fear. Society places a lot of pressure on us to achieve certain things by this age and ultimately creates a persona of what is perceived to be the “ideal”. I call BS on this! There doesn’t have to be a set timeline - my #LSFbabes and I are doing life on our own terms! With that in mind, I’m here to take you through the top six lessons I’ve learnt in life and how I REALLY feel about turning thirty.

13 Going On 30

1. Don't compare yourself to other people
This is something that I only learnt in my twenties. Life is too short to compare yourself to other people. Whether that be how they look, their body type, how many calories they eat daily. Newsflash, ladies! Everybody’s different in size, body composition and metabolic rate. Which means what might work for someone else probably isn’t going to work for you. Don’t get stuck in the comparison trap. When I let go of this mentality I found happiness and actually started getting great results from my training and nutrition plan. You can get results too with my SHRED & BIKINI BUILD programs!

2. Good things take time
As the saying goes; ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ and this is the same for many things in life. Patience is a skill that I’ve learnt along the way and yes, it is difficult sometimes but the wait will be worth it. Making changes whether it be with your training or starting a new meal plan might take a while to get used to and make a habit. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you have a hiccup. Just get back on the wagon and commit to making progress whether that be making sure you get your workout done early in the morning so you can’t skip it later, or just making a delicious, healthy meal to ensure you’re back on track. It’s normal for there to be bumps along the way and remember fitness is about a lifestyle and is something to work on forever. Check out my blog I wrote last week about how to find balance between working towards your goals and enjoying your life.

My 5 year transformation

3. Put in hard work and you will be rewarded
This really resonates with me on so many levels. Getting up, showing up and getting it done will serve you in the long run. Whether this be working on your career, or on your physique - as I’ve already noted: good things take time! I’m currently taking a break from bikini competitions to focus on my business. I live and breathe LSF and my mission in life is to help as many women as possible achieve their dreams. I truly believe that what you focus on will grow - allocate your energy to the right things and always remember your “why”.

4. Be present in the moment
This one can be tricky in the age of social media. More often than not, our life revolves around our phone and our default is to be stuck to our screens. When our mind is in too many places at once it takes away from the present and may cause us to miss out on magical moments. So, always make a conscious effort to be present. Whether it be when talking to a loved one, focusing on work, or even at the gym - pop your phone away and allow yourself to tech off for a period of time. This is something that I am still working on too - we are in this together!

5. It’s okay to take a break
This is really important for both our physical and mental health. If you’re feeling run down or if life is just getting too stressful and too much, don’t beat yourself up for taking time for yourself. We all need to recharge the batteries from time to time.


6. Attitude is everything
When I was thrown the major curveball of my emergency, life threatening surgery this year I was able to see life through a whole new lens. I reaffirmed a belief I’d always had: life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. It was within these hardest moments that I truly found the value in maintaining a positive attitude. All we can do is try to make the most of every situation and look on the bright side. I know that finding the bright side isn’t always easy and sometimes you have to dig really deep to find it. But, girls, I promise you - there is light and a lesson waiting for you on the other side of what you’re experiencing right now. Don’t underestimate the power of your mind! Your attitude has a strong influence on your experiences. So, focus on the good and surround yourself with people who uplift you.

Lauren in hospital bed

So, ladies, that is the no BS truth about how I REALLY feel about turning thirty. I hope these lessons I’ve learnt will help you on your own journey. I am so incredibly grateful for my life and it genuinely wouldn’t be the same without you girls, my #LSFbabes. I love that no matter what time it is, there is always a LSF babe, somewhere in the world, working hard to smash her goals. They say if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life - that’s what thirty feels like for me. Thank you for your ongoing love and support - I appreciate you all more than you’ll ever know.

Feel like you’re missing out? Your global girl gang is waiting for you – join #LSFbabes today!