#LSFbabe Tania’s Shred Transformation

Seeing your transformations is exactly why I do what I do! Celebrating my #LSFbabes transformations make me SO proud as your coach. To give back to this amazing community that inspires me so much, I want to shine the spotlight on Tania who has experienced an amazing physical and mental transformation.

Like most of us, Tania faced many obstacles when it came to her fat loss journey. Tania has PCOS, which made it harder for her to lose fat and eat foods that both worked for her condition and her fitness goals. On top of this, Tania also had knee reconstruction surgery, making it much harder to get up and active! She had a lot of challenges.

But Tania didn’t give up. After discovering LSF, she decided it was time to give it a try – and she did, to much success!

Health & fitness journey
“I've always loved being active but as someone who has PCOS it has been a constant learning curve when it comes to finding the right foods that work for me.”

“I was about 5 kgs heavier than I normally was and I had found it difficult to change that. I had a knee reconstruction and since then, I had really struggled with dropping those few kilos.”

“In the early days I tried all of the diets out there before settling on a more common sense type of approach, all thanks to Lauren”.

“I’ve done three challenges, the Glow Up, Bikini X Strong, and Empower. I loved the results from the first challenge, so I had to keep going!”

Tania's transformation, side

Achieving results
“I have lost weight and I’m SO happy that my muscles have gotten stronger as well!” 

“I learnt that it is okay to not constantly be living in a calorie deficit. I’ve accepted that it's okay if the scales go up – it’s not always a true reflection of your body!”

“I love that my kids get to see me make this positive change!”

Tania's transformation, front

LSF experience
“The LSF community is like no other and the design of the app is amazing!”

“When I came across Lauren on Instagram, I fell in love with her passion and meal plans. I love that the focus is to be fit and healthy versus the old idea of just being thin.”

“I have loved every bit of LSF challenges. I love the structure and hitting my workouts after I finish work in the afternoon. It makes me be able to leave behind any problems I had during my day and re-focus on me.”

Tania's transformation, back

Tania and thousands of other #LSFbabes around the world prove that anything is possible when you put your mind to it!

LSF programs and challenges make improving your health and fitness SO much easier thanks to the flexible meal plans and workouts designed to give you MAXIMUM results!

Are you our next biggest transformation? Join the LSF community today!

Loz xx