Hitting your daily step target is important not only for your fat loss and fitness goals but also for your overall mental and physical health. It’s healthy to aim for 10,000 steps every day to help reduce the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, mood disorders and other illnesses. During my challenges and when living the #LSFbabe lifestyle, I encourage all my ladies to get active every day. In times when we are spending more time being at home whether that be staying indoors or working from home it’s important to still get moving. That way we don’t get too stir crazy from cabin fever!!

Here I share some easy ways to help you reach your step goal: 

Set a movement timer
Set a timer every 30 minutes or every hour to alert you to get moving. This might be just to get up from your seat to walk around the room or do three rounds of 20 jumping jacks. 

Get up and move
Even if that means walking around your room or apartment while working, doing a 20 minute home workout, or even putting on your favorite music and having a bit of a dance! Try this home challenge to increase your movement goal. I would do AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) with your time frame: 

Take the stairs
If you live in an apartment, taking the stairs instead of the lift will help you to reach your step goal more easily, and is normally less busy than lifts if you’re trying to keep your distance! Taking the stairs where you can throughout the day will help you to reach your goal gradually. Doing this will also ensure you won’t have to rush to get your steps up at night time!  

Buy a skipping rope
A skipping rope is a great investment if you can’t get outside for exercise or are working with a small space. Skipping is a great cardio workout that gets your heart rate up pretty quickly and helps you to reach your step goal faster. Try 20 minutes of skipping for a quick lunch time cardio session! 

Play with your pet
Playing with your pet at home or taking them for a walk is beneficial both for you and your beloved furry friend. Make time each day to spend time with your pet, whether that be tiring them out inside your home or taking them for a 30 minute walk (if permitted). I love taking Rocky for a walk each day as he absolutely loves getting outside and it’s good for expending all that endless puppy energy. If we can’t get outside I’ll play with him out in the yard which tires both him and I out!!  

Invest in a fitness tracker
Fitness trackers can be a great tool for helping us reach our step goals as they can prompt us when we haven’t been active enough. Being able to quickly check how many steps you’ve clocked will also help you to keep track of where you’re up to. You may change your activity levels throughout the day accordingly. 

There you have it my #LSFbabes! It still is possible to hit your step counts while staying indoors. Get creative in how you reach it, let’s smash our goals together! Tag me on socials so I can see how you guys are getting active! Lauren xx